
Where did they come from?

This is something that happens when I have too much time to think. Like when I’m washing windows. I let my mind wander and then come up with the strangest of ideas. This time I’ll blame a musical called Elisabeth.

I’d bet there are thousands of different theories of how vampires came to be. Some people would say through a genetic mutation, others think that God created vampires along everything else. Well, I came up with a new (?) theory. I can’t say it’s a very original one, but I thought I’d share it with you anyway.

I’ll begin with introducing Death as a character or rather a being. A young, androgynous and egoistical man who takes people’s lives. The embrace of Death, the kiss of Death and all that jazz, you know why this thought inspires me. Now what if the first vampire was actually a human who became Death's first love? Death would have suffered from this forbidden love for years until finally the human fell in love with him and took Death with pleasure. This love, however, encountered obstacles in the world of Death, because the human got jealous every time some other human was granted the kiss of Death. In the end, the love faded away and Death sent the human back to the world of the living... But the human could never be the same again. He or she became the first of the undead and the rest, as they say, is history.

So what do you think? I'm just a silly girl obsessed with dark, mysterious male characters and the perfect creatures of the night? I think I can live with that. It would make a good story though; maybe I'll draw a comic with this kind of a setup or something.

There's also something else about vampires I've been thinking about for quite a while. This isn't the most pleasant of subjects but something that I as a girl can't just ignore like it's nothing. Great, I'm feeling disgusted before I even get to the subject. You've probably guessed already what I'm talking about - vampires' reaction to PMS. This is really not a subject I'd personally like to associate with vampires, but books like Twilight really make it hard not to think about it. When you are a girl who basically never leaves her vampire boyfriend's sight and your blood is of the most desirable flavor anyone has ever tasted, what will you do when you're having your PMS? Doesn't that count as blood? I personally can totally understand why it isn't considered desirable but what about a vampire? Are they pickier than we think? In the end, just any human blood won't do, after all? It makes more sense when the vampire is very particular about his/her appetite, like the ones who only drink the blood of a virgin or an artist etc. but still... It's a dilemma.

Here you go, a couple of things for you to ponder. Again, I'd like to hear your opinions, comments, suggestions... Anything you come up with!

Until next bite, my dears. <3

P.S. I’m sorry that this post isn’t of the highest quality possible… I could have written more but I fail enough as it is.

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